5 Step Start-up Pathway

5 Step Start-up Pathway

As you accomplish each section, please follow the instructions to report your progress.

1. Onboarding.

  • Submit your Impact onboarding packet ASAP.
  • Be sure to review all input for accuracy and attach required documents for EFT, E&O, AML.
  • Set reminders for Monday Launch Call and Friday Team Meeting.
  • Join the Impact Slack Space.

When you have completed these 4 tasks,
copy/paste this message to Tom Franklin in Slack:

I have submitted my Onboarding Packet with docs, and joined Slack

2. Training

Phase 1: The Telesales Script & Sales Process

*Set reminders for coaching calls Monday through Thursday:

Mon: 1030am EST | Tues: 9am EST | Wed 9am EST | Thurs: 1030am EST (LIA)

Telesales 101

Access the curriculum at trustworthy.life/fecurriculum

  1. Download & print the script; watch the video content on this page; read through the script several times to become familiar with the flow.
  2. Monday 9am EST: Attend Trustworthy Kick-off in the 24/7 Zoom
  3. Monday 930am EST: Attend the Impact Launch Call
  4. Monday 1030am-noon EST: Attend Welcome to Trustworthy*
  5. Tuesday 9-11am EST: Attend Introduction To Telesales*
  6. Wednesday 9-11am EST: Attend Introduction to Underwriting & Closing*
  7. Thursday 9-1030am EST: Attend Telesales Readiness*
  8. Thursday 1030-1130am EST: Attend Life Insurance Academy Call
* in 24/7 Zoom Breakout Room

When you have attended each of these trainings you'll receive your digital certificate.

Register for a Telesales Boot Camp!

  • Register for a Live Boot Camp HERE

When you have completed this task,
copy/paste this message to Tom Franklin in Slack:

I have registered for a Boot Camp in [CITY]

3. Carrier Contracting.

  • Watch your inbox for contracting Emails from American Amicable, Americo, Corebridge, Gerber Life, National Life, SBLI & Transamerica. Complete each ASAP.
  • Watch for your Impact Link invitation, Register right away.
  • If you have questions, send a DM in Slack to Tom Franklin

When you have submitted all seven carriers,
copy/paste this message to Tom Franklin in Slack:

I have submitted all seven carriers contracts
  • As your carrier welcome emails come in, immediately create your web portal logins and get familiar with the portals. Locate electronic applications and create those logins also.
  • Be sure to document your agent number and login details for each carrier.

As your agent numbers come in, submit using THIS FORM.

4. Script Recording to Michael Hall.

  • Send your script recording in a Slack DM to Michael Hall & Tom Franklin
  • Schedule review appointment on Michael's calendar here: LINK

5. Deployment.

Your Leads

  • Purchase 4-10 Non-resident state licenses at NIPR.com
  • Place your initial lead order for 50 CABoom Statewide Final Expense leads. CABoom Leads Link

When you have placed your lead order,
copy/paste this message to Tom Franklin in Slack:

I have placed my first lead order!

Your Workspace

  • Set up your Ring Central account.
  • Set up your workspace:
    Quiet and organized.
    E-apps & Quote Tools in browser tabs

When your workspace is ready,
copy/paste this message to Tom Franklin in Slack:

My workspace is Good To Go!

The Proven Strategy:

  • 50 Fresh Leads every week, split into 2 groups
  • Join the Live Zoom daily following the Coaching Calls
  • Dial from 10-2 and 5-9 every day, alternate lead groups
  • Submit minimum of 5 applications per week, whether it takes 7 days or 3 days